Study notes on Noun-03 for DSSSB Exam
Dear Readers,
In Previous article Noun-02, We have discussed the Last five Groups of Noun in Behaviour of Noun Section.IIn this article, we are providing you some interesting facts about Nouns which will be helpful for Upcoming CTET and DSSSB Exams.
In Previous article Noun-02, We have discussed the Last five Groups of Noun in Behaviour of Noun Section.IIn this article, we are providing you some interesting facts about Nouns which will be helpful for Upcoming CTET and DSSSB Exams.
1. ‘Brother’ or ‘sister’ never follows ‘Cousin’.
2. We do not write a man. We write to a man.
3. ‘Boarding’ is a wrong use. It should be ‘boarding house’.
4. ‘Poor people’ is a slang use. It should be ‘the poor’.
5. ‘Signature’ should be used in place of the abbreviation ‘sign’.
6. Food taken once is ‘meal’ and ‘not ‘meals’. Meals means both ‘lunch and dinner’ and we cannot take them together.
7. ‘Vacation’ is one term. Hence it is singular.
8. ‘Tickets’ mean the number of tickets. ‘Ticket’ means the ‘mode of entry’.
9. ‘Alphabet’ is generally used in the singular sense. But it can also be used in the plural sense . when different languages are referred to at the same time.
10. ‘Inning’ is no word. The actual word is ‘innings’ and is always used in the singular sense.
11. ‘English teacher’ is slang. It should be ‘the teacher of English’.
12. ‘Noun’ or ‘pronoun’ after ‘one of should always be plural.
13. ‘Agendum’ is not used in English. Agenda (Programme-of a meeting) is treated as singular in English.
14. ‘Mankind’ is not used in the plural sense.
15. ‘Room’ in a compartment or on a bench, etc. means ‘unoccupied seat’.
16. ‘Witness’ means knowledge brought in proof. ‘Evidence’ denotes means of proving an unknown or disputed fact.
17. ‘Family members’ is a slang use. The correct form is ‘members of the family’.
18. ‘Goodnight’ is a parting salutation, but ‘Good evening’ is a meeting salutation from evening till midnight.
19. If two singular nouns joined by ‘and’ refer to the same thing, the verb used with them should be singular.
20. ‘Wages’ when used in the singular form means ‘punishment’ but when used in the plural sense it means charges for the ‘labor’.
21. ‘Jury’ and ‘Committee’ are collective nouns. When they are used to convey the oneness of their action, they get a singular verb but when used to express difference in their action, they get a plural verb.
22. The use of double possessive should be avoided. It is better to write the ‘son of my uncle’s friend’ than ‘my uncle’s friend’s son’.
23. The plural or some compound nouns are below:
Singular Plural
(a) Son-in-law Sons-in-law
(b) Brother-in-law Brothers-in-law
(c) Passer-by Passers-by
(d) Major-General Major Generals
(e) Lord-Justice Lords-Justices
(f) Man-Servant Men-Servants
24. The use of (‘s) is usually limited to living things, ‘Of is used in the case of lifeless things, e.g.
The girl’s leg; but the leg of the table (and not the table’s leg)
25. When two nouns indicate common possession, (‘s) is added to the later one; when they indicate separate possession, (‘s) is added to each one of them; e.g.
Mohan and Sohan’s father. (One person)
Mohan’s and Sohan’s father (Two persons)
26. Our’s, your’s her’s, their’s is wrong.
Ours, yours, hers, theirs is correct.
27. The following nouns are always used in plural: Alms, arms, annals, Billiards, bowels, breeches, eatables, fetters, goods, mumps, measles, movables, premises, proceeds, pantaloons, riches, surroundings, stocks, stockings, spectacles, scissors, shorts, thanks, tidings, tongs, trousers, valuables, wages, police, people, poultry, gentry, public, cattle, vermin, clergy, folk.
Note: The words in italics can be used in singular also. In that case their meanings would be different.
28. The following nouns are always used in the singular. Athletics, classics, economics, gymnastics, gallows, innings, mathematics, mechanics, news, politics, physics, summons, issue, offspring, abuse, advice, rice, gram, fuel, furniture, stationary, scenery, poetry, information, cavalry, infantry, mischief, alphabet, hair, bunting, bedding.
Study notes on Noun-02 for DSSSB Exam
Team clear ctet.