DSSSB PRT Results 2018
The DSSSB PRT results are out. The same was declared on November 9, 2018. The Tier II exam was conducted May 6, 2018. This DSSSB Exam has been conducted by the municipal commission of Delhi.
For accessing the DSSSB Results, the candidates have to log in using their ID and password on its official Website. The total number of candidates vying for these seats was 1.8 lakh including both male and female applicants.
Earlier this year the cutoffs and answer keys were also published. The DSSSB CutOff marks for the UR or unreserved category was 100, for OBC candidates it was 68 and for other reserved classes such as the scheduled caste, tribe and physically handicapped it was between 57. The answer key can be found postcode wise using the following link. DSSSB answer key
The name of the posts itself is primary teacher posts. Overall, there are 7306 opportunities. The work location for all teachers and for all PRT posts in Delhi.
The teachers shortlisted after the first round of the exam would be called to appear for the skill test or oral test and they would not be deemed appointed if they clear the exam but are found ineligible. Same for when the teachers clear the exams but have a glitch in the area of document verification.
The E admit cards would be assigned to these candidates between 11 AM to 11: 59 PM on November 9- 17, 2018. Candidates have to check for these admit cards as per their postcode on the DSSSB website dsssb.delhigovt.nic.in
The skill test dates are between December 5-15, 2018. The reporting time for the skill test is between 8: 30 to 9: 30 AM. All candidates who are called for the skill test have to carry with them postcard size photograph, of the upper half of the body, and at the same time the candidates have to read all relevant information related to the skill test present on the DSSSB website dsssbonline.nic.in as no candidate would be separately notified about the same.
There will also be a personal interview the notice of which can be found here on the DSSSB Interview Notice section of the DSSSB website.
The DSSSB issues a caveat that all documents that it issues such as the cutoff, the answer key and the results and merit list and final and nobody can challenge the same.
DSSSB TGT Results 2018DSSSB PGT Results 2018