In the teaching - learning process of English the main skills are listening, speaking, reading and writing. Listening and speaking comes first in the natural way. of learning a language. The purpose of listening and speaking is to convey the message to understand. These skills are complementary to each others speaking and listening are the language skills as well as medium of communication.
The Objectives of Listening Skill:
(1) It is the basis of good learning of the language
(2) It makes speaking skill effective
(3) It facilitates the verbal interaction among the persons.
(4) It senses the purpose of communication
(5) The listening and speaking are the basis of learning English language.
(6) The main objective of listening is to develop the understanding of concepts, facts, ideas and feelings.
Speaking skill:
Learning to speak a language is always the shortest road to read it and to write it. We learn and teach a language with the main purpose of being able to communicate with other speakers of that language.
How to develop speaking and listening skills:
(1) The more opportunities the children get to listen and speak, the faster they learn language and it naturally becomes their own language, hence maximum exposure should be given.
(2) There is always a need and a purpose for communication, which gives rise to real life communication. So a ‘teacher will have to search for the content, where children feel the need to think, speak, express their response, as the need compels the child to invent the language.
(3) Teachers should organise activities in assembly like debates, discussion, skits, formally welcome a guest, offer thanks etc.
(4) Too much emphasis on a child’s mistake is very likely to reduce his motivation and fluency.
(5) Activities through situation will help the students to learn the language skills.
The Objectives of Listening Skill:
(1) It is the basis of good learning of the language
(2) It makes speaking skill effective
(3) It facilitates the verbal interaction among the persons.
(4) It senses the purpose of communication
(5) The listening and speaking are the basis of learning English language.
(6) The main objective of listening is to develop the understanding of concepts, facts, ideas and feelings.
Speaking skill:
Learning to speak a language is always the shortest road to read it and to write it. We learn and teach a language with the main purpose of being able to communicate with other speakers of that language.
How to develop speaking and listening skills:
(1) The more opportunities the children get to listen and speak, the faster they learn language and it naturally becomes their own language, hence maximum exposure should be given.
(2) There is always a need and a purpose for communication, which gives rise to real life communication. So a ‘teacher will have to search for the content, where children feel the need to think, speak, express their response, as the need compels the child to invent the language.
(3) Teachers should organise activities in assembly like debates, discussion, skits, formally welcome a guest, offer thanks etc.
(4) Too much emphasis on a child’s mistake is very likely to reduce his motivation and fluency.
(5) Activities through situation will help the students to learn the language skills.