DSSSB Teachers Recruitment 2020 – 15000+ vacancies released
DSSSB Teachers Recruitment 2020- Delhi Subordinate Staff Selection Board (DSSSB) has released huge vacancies for the posts of PRT, TGT and PGT teachers. The Board has released the vacancies to fill the pending teachers’ posts in the Delhi schools.
The High court had earlier directed the DSSSB and the AAP government to release the teachers’ vacancies soon. Candidates should note that the application process will commence from 27 August 2020. The candidates will then have to visit the official website of DSSSB to fill the application form and submit the registration form. We will also be hosting a direct link of the Application form here in the following article to help the candidates. In the following article about the DSSSB Teachers Recruitment 2020, we have compiled all necessary information about the recruitment process. The candidates should check the complete information to garner more details going into the examination.
DSSSB Teacher Recruitment official Notification
Inbound Links
DSSSB Teachers Recruitment 2020 Important Dates
DSSSB Teachers Eligibility Criteria
DSSSB Exam Centres 2020
DSSSB Teachers Recruitment Admit Card 2020
DSSSB Teachers Selection procedure 2020
DSSSB Teachers Exam Pattern 2020
DSSSB Teachers recruitment Syllabus 2020
DSSSB Teachers Recruitment Result 2020
DSSSB Teachers Recruitment Cut off
DSSSB Teachers Recruitment Preparation Tips
DSSSB Coaching centres in Delhi
DSSSB Teachers Jobs 2020 – Summarized Information
Here are the summarised details of the Delhi Teacher Vacancy 2020:
Name of the recruitment
Teachers Vacancy in Delhi
Name of the Conducting Authority
Delhi Subordinate Staff Selection Board (DSSSB), Karkardooma
Name of the post
Primary Teachers (PRT), Trained Graduate Teachers (TGT) and Post Graduate Teachers (PGT)
Advertisement available, application process to commence from 25 August 2107
Location of the Posting
All over Delhi – NCT region
Exam Type
Throughout State
Official website
Exam Pattern
Objective for PRT and TGT and Objective as well as Subjective for PGT Teachers
Number of posts
12000 (Expected) for PRT + 6000 for TGT + 3500 for PGT Posts = Total around 25000 Posts
Pay Scale
9300 – 34,800 + GP 4200 for PRT Teachers
9300 - 34,800 +GP 4600 for TGT Teachers
9300 – 34800 + GP 4800 for PGT Teachers
The teaching profession in our country is divided at four stages. The four stages being:
- 1. College level (Professors),
- 2. Senior Secondary Level Teachers (PGT),
- 3. Secondary Level teachers (TGT) and
- 4. Primary teachers (PRT).
While the college teachers are selected through various examinations and is central in nature, the school level teachers’ selection is entirely in the hands of the State Government. While these teachers have to qualify under the Central Teachers Eligibility Test (CTET), they also need to pass the B. Ed examination. The complete eligibility criteria have been mentioned below in the article.
Delhi Government has entrusted the selection of the PRT, TGT and PGT into the hands of DSSSB. The Board will be conducting a recruitment drive very soon to select candidates for the above mentioned pots. Check out the selection procedure for the following Posts:
- 1. Primary Teachers (PRT) and Trained Graduate Teachers (TGT) – For these posts, the DSSSB will conduct a written test. The qualifying candidates will then be screened through a personal interview.
- 2. Post Graduate Teachers (PGT) – for this post, the Board will conduct a two tier selection process. The candidates qualifying in the Tier 1 examination will then take part in the Tier 2 examination. Then the final selection will be made according to the rank obtained there.
DSSSB Teachers Recruitment 2020- Important Dates
DSSSB has finalised the dates for the availability of the application form and the last date to fill the application form.
S. No.
Date of Event
Release of the notification of online DSSSB Application form 2020 for teachers
Available Now
Commencement of the Application procedure for selection of teachers
25 August 2020
Last date to fill the application form and pay the application form fee
15 September 2020
Availability of the Application form for editing and minute detailing
To be Announced
Release of the DSSSB Teachers recruitment Admit Card 2020
To be Announced
Date of Examination
Tier 1 only for TGT and PRT Teachers
Tier 2 for PGT Teachers
To be Announced
Declaration of the merit list for selected candidates for Interview
To be Announced
Call letter availability for Interview of selected candidates
To be Announced
Declaration of the Final Merit List
To be Announced
Allotment of Schools and Departments
To be Announced
This is a provisional Date sheet and is subject to change. The relevant date sheet will be available to the candidates as soon as it gets released on the official website.
DSSSB Teachers Eligibility Criteria 2020
The Eligibility Criterion is the minimum set of criterions which the candidates need to follow in order to participate in a particular examination. DSSSB has set a minimum criterion for the teachers’ recruitment. The parameters must be followed by the candidates in order to take the examination. If at any point during the selection procedure, it is found that the candidate has violated the norms, then he/she will NOT be considered for the selection as teachers. There are different sets of rules and regulations for candidates belonging to PRT, TGT and PGT teachers. Here is the eligibility criterion for the DSSSB Teachers Recruitment 2020:
Educational Qualification
Following table show the education qualification of the candidates required for the selection of candidates:
S. No.
Preferred Eligibility Criterion
Primary Teachers (PRT)
· The aspirants should have cleared Class XII examination with at least 60% marks through any board.
· They should have done a compulsory two year course in D. Ed for teachers training in any reputed training school duly recognised by the Directorate of Education, Delhi Government.
· They must have qualified the centrally conducted Central Teachers Eligibility Test (CTET).
Trained Graduate Teachers (TGT)
· The aspirants should have cleared the graduation from a recognised university by UGC in any stream. They must have acquired first degree for special preference.
· They should have done a compulsory two year course in Bachelor for Education (B. Ed) for from any college recognised by the Delhi board.
Post Graduate Teachers (PGT)
· The aspirants should have cleared the graduation from a recognised university by UGC in any stream.
· They must have done masters degree in the same subject from a recognised university.
· They should have done a compulsory two year course in Bachelor for Education (B. Ed) for from any college recognised by the Delhi board. Apart from that they must have completed the M. Ed in the same subject.
· They should either have done M. Ed or M.A. in any subject followed by M. Ed to be able to fill for the PGT Vacancy in Delhi.
Age Wise Eligibility
S. No.
Age Limit
General – 30 years
OBC – 33 Years
SC -35 Years
ST – 35 Years
Others – 40 Years
General – 30 years
OBC – 33 Years
SC -35 Years
ST – 35 Years
Others – 40 Years
General – 30 years
OBC – 33 Years
SC -35 Years
ST – 35 Years
Others – 40 Years
For complete DSSSB Teachers Eligibility 2020
DSSSB Teachers Recruitment Application form 2020
Delhi Subordinate Staff Selection Board has released the official notification for selection of candidates for the post of TGT, PGT and PRT Teachers. Here are important points to be remembered for the DSSSB Teachers Application form 2020:
- · The DSSSB will release the Application form on the official website.
- · The notification will be released first and the application shall start some days after the release of it.
- · The candidates will need to visit the official website of DSSSB to fill their application form. After filling the application form, they will need to pay the application fee.
- · They will first require to register themselves on the official website of DSSSB.
- · The amount of the Application fee is yet to be released by the DSSSB. But the candidates should rest assured that it won’t be more than 500 INR.
- · The candidates must fulfil the above mentioned eligibility criteria in order to fill the application form.
- · Once they have filled the form, they will receive an Application Number which they need to preserve for the future purposes.
Documents to have in hand while filling Application form
The candidates should carry the following documents at the time of filling the application form. The documents are:
- 1. Class 10 Mark sheet (Name of school, Address)
- 2. Class 12 Mark Sheet (Name of school, Address)
- 3. Graduation Mark Sheet (Name of University, College and Address)
- 4. CTET qualification certificate
- 5. B. Ed Certificate (Required for TGT and PGT Teachers)
- 6. Post-Graduation Details (M.A./M.Ed.) for PGT Teachers only
- 7. Recent scanned Passport size photograph
- 8. Scanned Signature of candidate
- 9. Left Hand Thumb Impression scanned image (If required)
- 10. Right Hand Thumb Impression Scanned Image (If required)
DSSSB Exam Centres 2020
The aspiring candidates should note that there will be NO outstation centre for the examination concerning this recruitment. The candidates will be allotted the examination centre by the DSSSB. Here are the important points to consider for the DSSSB Teachers recruitment Exam centres 2020:
· The official authority will try to allocate the centre chosen by the candidate. However, due to certain circumstances like lack of sufficient number of candidates, logistic, administrative and other reasons, an Examination Centre might get cancelled. The candidates should be prepared to take the exam in case any other centre if any such situation comes up.
· The candidates will not be given any choice of selection of centre as all the centres will be allotted in the Delhi NCT only.
· The decision taken by DSSSB will be final in regard to the examination centre and no request to change or shift the exam centre will be entertained.
· It is advised to the candidates to reach the examination centre on time.
· The examination centre will be allocated on the countdown basis.
The candidates should register themselves as soon as possible to get the exam centre of their choice.
The candidates should register themselves as soon as possible to get the exam centre of their choice.
· The candidates will have to pay Rs.100 as application fee which can be paid through various modes of payments.
DSSSB Teachers Recruitment Admit Card 2020
DSSSB will release the admit card for the above mentioned recruitment. The board will make available the admit card for all the posts on its official website. The candidates will require visiting the official website to check their Admit Card and download it. The Admit card is the most important document in an examination because the candidates might have to lose their candidature if they do not possess the Admit card.
Following are the important information included in the Admit card:
· Roll Number of the Candidate
· Name of the Candidate
· Post for which applied
· Subject Chosen
· Test Date
· Test Time
· Test Centre Address
· Photograph of the Candidate
· Few important instructions
DSSSB Teachers Exam Pattern 2020 – PRT, PGT and TGT Teachers
The written examination for the above mentioned posts will test the skills of the aspiring candidates. Here are the tabular representations of the exam pattern for all the mentioned posts.
DSSSB PRT Teachers Exam Pattern 2020
Here are the syllabus and exam pattern for the PRT Teachers selection in Delhi-
S. No.
Name of the Section
Number of Questions
Total Allotted Marks
Total Time
General Awareness
20 Questions
20 Marks
General Intelligence and Reasoning Ability
20 Questions
20 Marks
Arithmetic and Numerical Ability
20 Questions
20 Marks
A total of 02 Hours
Hindi Language and Comprehension
20 Questions
20 Marks
English Language and Comprehension
20 Questions
20 Marks
Paper B: The Main Subject
100 Questions
100 Marks
200 Questions
200 Marks
DSSSB TGT Teachers Exam Pattern 2020
Here are the syllabus and exam pattern for the TGT teachers selection in Delhi-
S. No.
Name of the Section
Number of Questions
Total Allotted Marks
Total Time
General Awareness
20 Questions
20 Marks
General Intelligence and Reasoning Ability
20 Questions
20 Marks
Arithmetic and Numerical Ability
20 Questions
20 Marks
A total of 02 Hours
Hindi Language and Comprehension
20 Questions
20 Marks
English Language and Comprehension
20 Questions
20 Marks
Paper B: The Main Subject
100 Questions
100 Marks
200 Questions
200 Marks
DSSSB PGT Exam Pattern 2020 – Tier 1
Check the exam scheme for the post of JE, Junior Law Officer and other related posts through this tabular representation:
S. No.
Name of the Section
Number of Questions
Total Allotted Marks
Total Time
General Awareness
20 Questions
20 Marks
General Intelligence and Reasoning Ability
20 Questions
20 Marks
Arithmetic and Numerical Ability
20 Questions
20 Marks
A total of 02 Hours
Hindi Language and Comprehension
20 Questions
20 Marks
English Language and Comprehension
20 Questions
20 Marks
Subject Qualification related paper
100 Questions
100 Marks
200 Questions
200 Marks
DSSSB PGT Exam Pattern 2020 – Tier 2
The candidates qualifying the Tier 1 examination will then take part in the Tier of the examination. The exam scheme for the exam is as follows:
S. No.
Name of the Paper
Total Number of Questions
Total Marks Allotted
Total Time
Subject or Qualification related Paper
200 Questions
200 Marks
Descriptive (50 Marks)
Essay (In English)
1 or 2 question
30 Marks
03 Hours
Letter Writing or Expansion of Idea
1 or 2 question
20 Marks
200 + Descriptive Questions
250 Marks
DSSSB Teachers recruitment Syllabus 2020
The DSSSB has released the complete set of syllabus for all the posts mentioned above. The candidates must take into account all the procedures important for selection. They must check the complete information about the same.
DSSSB PRT Teachers Syllabus 2020
DSSSB TGT Teachers Syllabus 2020
DSSSB PGT Teachers Syllabus 2020
DSSSB Teachers Recruitment Result 2020
The DSSSB will be declaring the result for the teachers selection on its official website. The candidates will have to visit the official website to check their score card. Once the result is declared, we will host a direct link to the check the result.
After the completion of examination, the candidates wander in search of the Answer keys. Well the search is over as we will provide the answer key for the examination at its earliest. The answer key will be available for all the examinations and for all the sets of examination. The candidates can then check their answers here. The original and the official answer key release takes time but we will update the answer keys from the top most coaching centre of the State which is SUCCESS MANTRA as well as other coaching institutes too:
S. No.
Name of the Institute
DSSSB Teachers Recruitment Answer Keys
IBS Institute
Official Answer Keys
DSSSB Teachers Recruitment Cut off 2020
The cut off score is a minimum score of qualification in any examination. The DSSSB will keep a minimum cut off score for selection of candidates for the above jobs. The minimum cut off score will range from post to post as there. It is necessary for a candidate to check the cut off because it gives him a moral benefit over the others. He/she has a better knowledge about the marking scheme as well as the required score to get through the examination easily. Hence the cut off must be checked by all the aspirants of the DSSSB Teachers Recruitment 2020.
DSSSB Teachers Recruitment Preparation Tips
The candidates should follow the following general points as per the DSSSB Teachers Recruitment Preparation Tips:
- · Know the Syllabus: The candidates aspiring for the DSSSB Teachers Recruitment Exam must know the syllabus for the exam. Knowing the syllabus helps as much as knowing the enemy in a war does. You can easily leave the topics you are weak in for later and give more time to those topics which you are confident of to prepare better and score more in the exam.
- · Save Time, Attempt More: The Candidates should learn and use effective time management tricks to use their fixed time judiciously in the exam. The short tricks and tricks of solving questions will help a big way in the long run. Candidates should not waste time in solving one question and focus on solving as many questions as possible. In this, candidates are advised to see that they only answer questions they are sure about as there is a scope of negative marking.
- · Solve previous year question papers: The candidates should try to solve as many previous years question papers along with model or practice papers. This will help the candidates to get set for the exam mode and let them know the level of the question paper. They will also be able to know the type of questions that will be asked in the exam. Candidates can also practice to solve them according to the actual time limit allowed in the exam as to get the idea of time management in the exam, judge their performance and improve their speed.
- · Solve sample paper: Sample papers are the best way to revise and practice all the concepts studied by the candidates while preparing for the Exam. Solving the DSSSB Teachers Recruitment Sample Papers will help the candidates to get set in the exam like the environment and also boost their confidence.
- · Take good care of Health: Health is one of the primary factors for a candidate. If the candidate is not fit then all the preparation will go waste if he is not able to write the exam. Candidates should take care of their health and not ignore it while preparing for the exam. Take timely meals and regular because ultimately it will be the health which would be the deciding factor.
Good Luck for the examination. Keep Visiting SUCCESS MANTRA