Dear Readers,
Child Development and Pedagogy is an important subject in CTET & other TET Exam. In any of teaching exam, CDP carries weightage of 30-40 % of questions, with focused practice good marks can be fetched from this section. These questions are very important in achieving your success in CTET and Other TET Exams.
1. What is the Natural language acquaintance in the teaching method?
(a) Speaking, hearing, reading, writing
(b) Hearing, speaking, reading, writing
(c) Hearing, speaking, writing, reading
(d) Writing, reading, hearing, speaking
2. How the teacher should prepare the students tor the examination?
(a) They should - not tell anything about examination
(b) They should solve that questions which are useful
(c) They should tell them the importance of examination and help in the practice
(d) They should announce to give, the prize who will pass in the examination
3. How answer sheet should be evaluated by the teacher?
(a) They should give general marks to all students
(b) They should check the answer sheet carefully
(c) They should check answer sheet by a good student
(d) They should give good marks to weak student so that he can read more and more
4. Being a teacher what will you do when a meritorious student gets lesser marks’?
(a) You will feel them shameful in front of class
(b) You will try to know the reason with his parents
(c) You will give a psychological treatment
(d) You will inspire him to labour hard
5. In this recent age, a good teaching system—
(a) arranges the teaching system at the different level for all the children of different class
(b) is that system in which teaching is given on the basis of money
(c) arranges the teaching system at the similar level for all the children of different class
(d) is that system in which tuition is also necessary
6. The school remains closed for a long period, how will you teach the students after opening the school.
(a) You will check the homework
(b) You will teach your routine
(c) You will’ call the students for tuition at your home
(d) As per requirement you will give extra time
7. How will you do your work as a teacher?
(a) You will call the student at your home to teach the students
(b) You will maintain the teaching process in school only.
(c) You will emphasise on the overall development of the students
(d) You will try to know the merits and demerits of the students
8. You are dissatisfied with a student. When you check his answer sheet you will—
(a) give marks as per his ability
(b) give less marks to punish him
(c) tell other teachers to give him less marks
(d) evaluate him without any prejudice
9. What is the best base in your view to evaluate the student?
(a) His participation in the activities of school
(b) Best base for evaluation is the annual examination
(c) Behaviour of that student with you
(d) Participation in activities and examination system both will be the base
10. What do you think about the student during teaching them?
(a) They may be a reformer and a founder
(b) To be a politician and do work for the progress of country
(c) Their merit/intelligence might be developed so that they can get the best success
(d) They might become a learned and might be famous in their work region
11. You have habits of smoking. How will you teach the students?
(a) Will not do smoking in the classroom
(b) Will not do smoking, on the school premises
(c) Will ‘say to students for bringing the smoking
(d) Will do smoking only in staff room
12. The teacher should read other books also except coursebooks. What will be the benefit of it?
(a) They can use their best time
(b) They will get satisfaction and teach well
(c) Knowledge will be overall developed and ‘they teach well
(d) People will know him as best teacher due to his way of aching
13. You are the meritorious teacher, but students are not satisfied with your teaching style. How you will teach them’?.
(a) Will tell about your style first
(b) Will change your style according to students
(c) Will take again training to reform the style
(d) Will make harmony with student’s style
14. How will you teach the student to develop the nature of research in them?
(a) Will emphasis on the study of science
(b) Will tell them about ‘lives of inventors
(c) will try to develop the inspection ability so that comparison ability can be developed in them
(d) Will say to do work in the class and inspect them
15. What will you do to make the effective teaching of your subject?
(a) Will inspire to ask the questions related to subject
(b) Will ask to repeat the lesson related to subject
(c) Will give homework, related to questions of lesson
(d) Will ask to do work in class and supervise them
16. As a new teacher, before teaching in the class, on which things you will pay attention?
(a) Before teaching the student will take knowledge of them related to subject
(b) Will try to know the merits and demerits of students
(c) Will pay more attention to the structure and decoration of classroom
(d) Will take personal instruction with every student
17. You are a science teacher. Which lesson will you teach in the science lab first?
(a) Will explain about famous scientist and inventions
(b) Will ask to remember the list of important inventions
(c) Will explain the importance of science in today’s modem age
(d) Will say to do work carefully in the lab
18. By which age language develops in children?
(a) By birth
(b) By childhood
(c) By adulthood
(d) By pregnancy period
19. By which age habits develop in children?
(a) By childhood
(b) By birth
(c) Ongoing always
(d) By pregnancy period
20. Which habit is found more and more in Childhood?
(a) Studying
(b) Fighting
(c) Mimicking
(d) None of these
Answer :
1. (b) 2. (c) 3. (b) 4. (d) 5. (c) 6. (d) 7. (c) 8. (a) 9. (d) 10. (c) 11.(d) 12.(c) 13.(d) 14.(c) 15.(d) 16.(d) 17.(d) 18.(a) 19.(b) 20.(c)
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