CTET Exam Quiz on SST (Pedagogy)
Dear Readers,SST is an important subject in CTET & Other TET Exam. In any of teaching exam, SST carries weightage of 35-40 % of questions, with focused practice good marks can be fetched from this section. These questions are very important in achieving your success in CTET and Other TET Exams.
1.Which of the following is not a source material for writing oral history?
(a).A scholar talking about today’s education system
(b).The anecdotes of a person who participated in the ‘Quit India Movement’
(c).A British soldier’s oral account of the Sepoy Mutiny
(d).The memories of a person who migrated to Pakistan from India at the time of Partition
2.A good social studies curriculum is one which
(a).helps young individuals develop into responsible adults by relating them to their society.
(b).provides adequate importance to all areas concerning human relationships & society.
(c).puts forth the lessons learnt such that mistakes are not repeated.
(d).provides tools & skill-sets to individuals to make them job ready.
3.While discussing gender roles in the classroom, you would assert that
(a).household work should not be seen as productive
(b).there are different professions for men and women
(c).boys need to attend school as they are the future earning members of the family
(d).gender stereotypes in society liked to be addressed meaningfully
4.A teacher gives the following exercise to her students. Imagine that you are a member of a nomadic community that shifts residence every 3 months. How would this change your life?
(a).The question will help students place themselves in new situations to gain a better understanding of the concepts involved
(b).The question will prove that a student’s life is far safer and more enjoyable than the life of people in such situations
(c).The question will make students less egocentric and promote universal brotherhood
(d).The question will impress upon the students that facts are more important than reflection in Social Science
5.Which type of questions will not develop critical thinking among students?
(a).Divergent questions
(b).Closed-ended questions
(c).Open-ended questions
(d).Probing questions
6.Which of the following is not an essential skill that Social Studies helps a student develop?
(a).Interacting individually or in a group
(b).Organisation of facts
(c).Illustrating an abstract idea
7.Social studies can contribute to the wholesome development of the child, the outcomes of which do not include
(a).Technical aptitude
(b).Relevant understanding
(c).Desirable attitudes
(d).Essential skills
8.EVS textbooks follow a theme based approach to develop the
(a).Ability to grasp concepts which are inter-related in an interesting manner
(b).Ability to learn more definitions
(c).Ability to perform well on the tests and examinations
(d).Awareness of the learner as well as the teacher
9.The following skill is not required in inquiry and decision-making in social studies
(a).Skill in recognizing a problem
(b).Skill in developing hypotheses
(c).Skill in using evidence to support hypotheses
(d).Skill in forcing conclusions to get one right answer
10.What is the purpose of evaluation of students’ performance in social studies?
(a).Classify students into different groups like poor, average, good, very good and excellent
(b).Foster competitive spirit amongst the students
(c).Provide an incentive for students to study
(d).As a feedback mechanism for teachers to provide instruction according to the ability level of students
Answer :
1. (a) 2. (a) 3. (d) 4. (a) 5. (b) 6. (d) 7. (a) 8. (a) 9. (d) 10. (d)
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