CTET Exam Quiz on Child Development and Pedagogy (CDP)-05
Dear Readers,Child Development and Pedagogy is an important subject in CTET & other TET Exam. In any of teaching exam, CDP carries weightage of 30-40 % of questions, with focused practice good marks can be fetched from this section. These questions are very important in achieving your success in CTET and Other TET Exams.
1. When student give any answer, the teacher should never tell him that—
(a) he feels sorrow with his answer
(b) his answer is not correct
(c) his answer is not clear
(d) he knows nothing
2. Teacher should try to make .............. environment in the classroom.
(a) friendly
(b) helping
(c) democratic
(d) Above all
3. To restrain the concentrated behaviour of students it is necessary that—
(a) teacher should speak loudly
(b) teacher should tap the table when he speaks
(c) teacher should make an eye contact with the students
(d) teacher should threaten the students
4. In a classroom—is necessary for a teacher.
(a) Table
(b) Blackboard
(c) Chair
(d) Stick
5. Which point is to keep in mind when teaching strategy is made’?
(a) Pre-knowledge of children
(b) Selection of teaching process
(c) To making teaching interesting
(d) AH of above
6. In the classroom, direct relation to problems of discipline is with—
(a) age of the child, interest in the study, a personality of the teacher
(b) which subject is studying in the class
(c) seating arrangement in the class
(d) boring or interesting subject
7. What is the meaning of learning’?
(a) to stand first in the class
(b) to make learned
(c) change in behaviour by experience
(d) be active in doing work
8. Which is called the best teaching?
(a) Teacher comes and goes back to give a speech
(b) Study through books
(c) An internal process is being made between teacher and student
(d) Study through television
9. Learning is stagnant by—
(a) to iterate
(b) by experience
(c) by understanding
(d) by watching
10. To impress the student teacher should
(a) make his character ideal
(b) wear new clothes every day
(c) threaten them
(d) show them his richness
11. To inspire the weak student teacher should
(a) applause and tell them to do good work
(b) give them a seat on the first bench
(c) asked to pay some more attention to the class
(d) not pay attention to them in the class
12. Good teacher
(a) pays more attention to the rich student in the class
(b) pays more attention to their friend’s wards
(c) pays similar attention to all students
(d) pays more attention to intelligent students
13. Learning is the process in which—
(a) the learned person stops learning
(b) learning proceeds lifelong
(c) children learn more and more
(d) children learn more and more in teacher’s supervision
14. How we check the understandings?
(a) Through examination
(b) By supervision of change of nature in children.
(c) By asking children.
(d) By doing debate competition in school.
15. To make effective understanding teacher should
(a) teach lessons in a hurry
(b) give answers to the questions of lessons
(c) teach their lessons in an interesting and effective manner
(d) iterate the question-answers to the children
16. What is the greatest significance of teaching?
(a) Government service
(b) Good salary
(c) Responsible job
(d) Opportunity for self-expression
17. What should be a good teacher?
(a) More rich
(b) More learned
(c) Learned of his subject
(d) Learned of all subjects
18. What is the meaning of memory?
(a) To remember the lesson
(b) To remember the experienced or learnt things
(c) To remember new questions
(d) To repeat the learnt lessons
19. The children memorise things effectively by
(a) reading
(b) writing
(c) experiencing
(d) reading and writing
20. What should be done for enhancing the memory power in children?
(a) They should be read more and more
(b) They should be written more and more
(c) They should be practised by self-more and more
(d) They should show their work to teacher because they know them bette
Answer :
1. (a) 2. (d) 3. (c) 4. (b) 5. (d) 6. (d) 7. (c) 8. (c) 9. (b) 10. (a) 11.(a) 12.(c) 13.(b) 14.(b) 15.(c) 16.(d) 17.(c) 18.(b) 19.(c) 20.(c)
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