CTET Exam Quiz on Child Development and Pedagogy (CDP)-04
Dear Readers,Child Development and Pedagogy is an important subject in CTET & other TET Exam. In any of teaching exam, CDP carries weightage of 30-40 % of questions, with focused practice good marks can be fetched from this section. These questions are very important in achieving your success in CTET and Other TET Exams.
1.To enhance the listening capacity of children teacher should—
(a)make recitation (reading in harmony)-by the student
(b)catch mistakes during reading
(c)make questions for students
(d)explain the importance of listening
2.To maintain the level of activity of teaching understanding; important thing is-
(b)Skilled administration
(c)Able teacher
(d)All of above
3.Who is mainly responsible for classroom management’?
4.For healthy arrangement of classroom, necessary thing is-
(a)sufficient light should be in the class
(b)ventilated classroom
(c)appropriate seating arrangement in the class
(d)All of the above
5.Name the main factor from the followings, by which classroom management is effected—
(a)Behaviour of teacher with students
(b)Disciplined and controlled behaviour in classroom
(c)General administration and management of school
(d)Above all
6.On the undesirable behaviour of student, teacher should—
(a)use the necessary technique of psychology
(b)expel from the school
(c)applause them
(d)threaten them
7.For using the leisure period in class, teacher should—
(a)tell them to talk
(b)give some activity
(c)give leave from the school
(d)tell them to sit silently in the class
8.To make an effective teaching-understanding process teacher should—
(a)enter in the class with advance preparation
(b)show the intimacy and sympathy to children
(c)Both A and B
(d)None of these
9.Teacher is a
10.For maintaining discipline in the classroom, it is necessary that—
(a)the student should be threatened
(b)the student should be beaten
(c)the student should be engaged in teaching activity
(d)the student should be asked to live in discipline
11.There is no discipline in the classroom when—
(a)some children are naughty in the classroom
(b)students have no work to do
(c)all students are naughty
(d)None of these
12.After the class, if we revise the lesson then—
(a)it is good for slow learning child’
(b)it is the waste of time
(c)it is useful to understand the difficult lesson
(d)it is useful to memorize the lesson to the student
13.What is the benefit when test is taken without any notice—
(a)weak students are punished
(b)students are always ready to study
(c)it helps the student for studying always
(d)class-strength is made by it
14.With subdued discipline children
(a)live in discipline
(b)become submissive
(c)feel threatened always
(d)None of these
15.If any child is making picture during the teaching
(a)you will punish him
(b)you will excuse him to give some instruction
(c)you will send him to the principal
(d)you will expel him to the classroom.
16.Why practical is the absolute way of learning?
(a)It makes active to the students
(b)It is for good
(c)Students feel happy to do it
(d)It is not perfect for learning
17.What is the Gestlet theory?
(a)Study of one subject makes an effect to learn another subject
(b)Physical development of children makes an effect on children’s mental development
(c)Knowledge is completed to do all the subjects
(d)Study is known to complete when you can understand the meaning of study
18.Solutions of thoughtful questions are possible when—
(a)questions are difficult
(b)questions are repeated
(c)answers are known to the students
(d)students is called before the question asked
19.Asked questions should be clear and simple. Which question is not simple and clear in the following—
(a)Who wrote the ‘Mahabharata’?
(b)Why do you like the ‘Mahabharata’?
(c)What do you know about the ‘Mahabharata’?
(d)If you receite daily to the ‘Mahabharata’?
20.Recitation is necessary for the classroom, because of it—
(a)shy nature of the children is abolished/finished
(b)teacher and other students can hear them
(c)meanings of lessons are also cleared during it
(d)pronunciations are made perfect
Answer :
1. (a) 2. (d) 3. (b) 4. (d) 5. (d) 6. (a) 7. (b) 8. (c) 9. (b) 10. (c) 11.(b) 12.(d) 13.(c) 14.(d) 15.(b) 16.(a) 17.(a) 18.(b) 19.(c) 20.(d)
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