CTET Exam Quiz on Science-04

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Science is an important subject in CTET & Other TET Exams. In any of teaching exam, Science carries weightage of 18-20 %  of questions, with focused practice good marks can be fetched from this section. These questions are very important in achieving your success in CTET and Other TET Exams.

1. Activity-based learning helps learners to
(a). do activities in class so that learners are busy and engaged.
(b). ensure that learners undergo experiential learning.
(c). allow the teacher to get busy with her own work.
(d). develop communicative competence.

2. The teacher wants to conduct a role play in class. She should
(a). asks learners to take on roles and play their parts.
(b). write a script and ask them to enact.
(c). divide the class into groups and prepare informative cards for each member.
(d). ask learners to read the book and carry out role play.

3. While teaching the concept, “force can change the shape of an object” to students, a teacher plans the following activities:
(a). Explain concepts using commonly observed examples.
(b). Provide a dough on a plate and ask the students to press it down with the hand.
(c). Show an audio-visual film explaining the concept with some examples
(d). The teacher is using different approaches to learning.

4. Ms Patel, Principle of a School XYZ, is keen about an integrated approach to the teaching of Science rather than teaching different disciplines separately. The basis of this is
(a). all the disciplines are interlinked and a teacher can draw on cross-curricular linkages.
(b). non-availability of qualified teachers in her school to teach separate disciplines.
(c). difficulty to adjust the teachers in the timetable.
(d). the difficulty of students to adjust to different teachers.

5. The main aim of conducting Mathematics and Science Olympiads is to 
(a). grade schools based on the performance of their students 
(b). promote excellence in the nurturing creativity experimentation 
(c). grade students according to their capabilities 

(d). help students score high marks in professional examinations 

6. Most Boards of Education have banned the dissection of animals because 
(a). they may spread new diseases 
(b). animals are no longer available for dissection 
(c). procuring animals has become expensive proposition 
(d). there is a need to sensitise students to the prevention of cruelty to animals 

7. The best method to teach children about consequences of environmental pollution is to
(a). take them to the city to show pollution.
(b). divide the class into groups and give each group a sub-topic to work on.
(c). show a film on pollution.
(d). explain the textbook.

8. The function of essential questions is to
(a). provoke and sustain student interest in the topic/unit.
(b). prove that the teacher knows how to frame questions.
(c). provide a model for students to know how to frame questions.
(d). assess students.

9. While teaching the concept of balanced diet the teacher presents a chart to show the names of diseases caused due to deficiency. This is done to
(a). scare the children and create fear in them.
(b). inform students about various types of deficiency diseases.
(c). Begin the lesson and introduce the topic to initiate a discussion platform
(d). ensure that children learn facts from the chart presented.

10. Four applicants for a post of TGT (Science) were asked to plan a lesson on “Consequences of Deforestation”. Which one of the following lesson plans reflect the scientific approach? 
(a). Mentions about the use of ICT to help students understand the concept 
(b). Explains in detail the consequences of deforestation 
(c). Provides a variety of examples to explain the concept 

(d). Includes activities that children can perform in groups and draw conclusions through a PowerPoint presentation 

 1. (b) 2. (c) 3. (a) 4. (a) 5. (b) 6. (d) 7. (b) 8. (a) 9. (c) 10. (d)

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CTET Exam Quiz on Science(Pedagogy)-04
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