Dear Readers,
Child Development and Pedagogy is an important subject in CTET & other TET Exam. In any of teaching exam, CDP carries weightage of 30-40 % of questions, with focused practice good marks can be fetched from this section. These questions are very important in achieving your success in CTET and Other TET Exams.
Q1. The statement "Men are generally more intelligent than women.”
Shows gender bias
Shows gender bias
Q2. A good textbook avoids
gender bias
gender bias
Q3. A school gives preference to girls while preparing student for a state level solo-song competition. This reflect
gender bias
gender bias
Q4. The best way to avoid gender discrimination in a school may be
metacognition of their gender-biased behaviours by teachers
metacognition of their gender-biased behaviours by teachers
Q5. Monika, a Maths teacher asks Radhika a question. On not getting any answer from Radhika, she quickly moves on and asks Mohan another question. She rewords her question after realising that Mohan is struggling to find the answer. This tendency of Monika reflects that she is
supporting gender stereotyping of roles by favouring Mohan
supporting gender stereotyping of roles by favouring Mohan
Q6. How teachers and students ...... gender in the classroom
construct, impacts
construct, impacts
Q7. In Science practicals, boys generally take control of apparatus and ask girls to record data or wash utensils. This tendency reflects that
stereotyping of masculine and feminine roles takes place in schools also
stereotyping of masculine and feminine roles takes place in schools also
Q8. In order to avoid gender stereotyping in class, a teacher should
try to put both boys and girls in non-traditional roles
Q9. Features assigned due to social roles and not. due to biological endowment are called
gender role stereotypes
gender role stereotypes
Q10. A statement “Generally girls are poor in Mathematics” this is
a gender biased judgement
a gender biased judgement