The importance of percentages is accentuated by the fact that there are a lot of questions related to the use of percentage in all the chapters of arithmetic. A closer look at the topic will evolve the result that at least 75% of the total calculations in any DI paper is formed on calculations on additions and percentages.
Percentage means 
100% = 100 x
= 1
To find
of a number multiply it by 2/3
To find
of a number multiply it by 1/3
To find
of a number multiply it by 5/8
To find
of a number multiply it by 3/8
To find 25% of a number multiply it by 1/4
To find 20% of a number multiply it by 1/5
To find
of a number multiply it by 1/6
To find
of a number multiply it by 1/7
To find
of a number multiply it by 1/8
To find
of a number multiply it by 1/9
To find 10% of a number multiply it by 1/10
To find
of a number multiply it by 1/11
To find
of a number multiply it by 1/12
To find
of a number multiply it by 1/13
To find
of a number multiply it b 1/14
To find
of a number multiply it by 1/15
To find
of a number multiply it by 1/16
Percentage increase =
x 100%
Percentage decrease =
x 100%
To increase a number by x% multiply it by
To decrease a number by x% multiply it by
If A’s income is r% more than B’s income then B’s income is
x 100% less than A’s income.
If A’s income is r% less than B’s income then B’s income is
x 100% more than A’s income.
If A’s income is 1/x more than B’s income, then B’s income is 1/(1 +x) less than A’s income.
If A’s income is 1/x less than B’s income, then B’s income is 1/(x-1) more than A’s income
If price of a commodity increases by x% then to keep the expenses same the consumption must be decreased by
If price of a commodity decreases by x% then for same expense consumption can be increased by
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