
Dear Readers,

English is an important subject in CTET & Other TET Exams. In any of teaching exam, English Pedagogy carries weightage of 9-10 % of questions, with focused practice good marks can be fetched from this section. These questions are very important in achieving your success in CTET and Other TET Exams..

Q1. Teaching aids such as Charts, Maps, Pictures and Drawings should be used by teachers as they 
  1. prepare students mentally 
  2. motivate for further preparation
  3. are not expensive
  •  (1) only
  •  (1) and (2) only 
  •  (2) and (3) only  
  •  All of these 
(1) and (2) only
Q2. Identify the characteristics of various types of Instructional Material used in the class room Instruction. 
  1. Audio Visual Ads as Motivator
  2. Supplement Oral Teaching
  3. Save Time and Energy 
  4. Provide direct Experience
  •  (1), (2), (3) only
  •  (1) and (3) only 
  •  (2) and (3) only
  •  All of the above 
All of the above

Q3. Keeping in view the significance of text book, what should one keep in his mind while selecting a text book? 
  1. Age, interest and individual differences 
  2. The cover should be attractive and qualitative. 
  3. Text book should cover the objectives of the subject.
  4. The publisher of the book should be well known.  
  •  (1) and (2) only
  •  (1) and (3) only
  •  (1), (2), (3) only (d)
  •  All of the above
(1), (2), (3) only (d)
Q4. Which of the following is/are essential characteristics of good text books are? 
                        1. The introduction at the beginning and conclusion at the end of the chapter should be given in the text book. 
                          2. There should be both practice and text exercise at the end of the chapter.
                          3. The binding should be proper and strong. 
                          4. No difficult words and new words are given in good text book.
  •  (1) and (2) only
  •  (1) and (3) only 
  •  1), (2), (3) only
  •  All of these 
All of these

Q5. Which of the following is not the main characteristic of instructional material? 
  •  Save time and energy 
  •  Make learning permanent
  •  Save paper
  •  Prevent indiscipline
Make learning permanent

Q6. According to a few experts, the students who study grammar are very often able           to solve grammar exercise ________.      
    •  but do not write correct speech 
    •  but they often do spelling mistakes
    •  and write good speech 
    •  but they are unable to teach grammar
    but do not write correct speech

    Q7. Match the following.
                                                             (Grammar                      (Characteristics)
                                                                  Method)                        Teaching
                                                      (i)        Deductive Method             (A)        teacher first presents ortakes the example                                                                                from the students then comes on theory or                                                                                concept.                                                                                                                                                                   
                                                      (ii)       Inductivemethod              (B)        during the composition writing the teacher                                                                                 explains complex sentence pattern.                                                                                                               
                                                 (iii)      Incidental Method        (C)      teacher uses a grammar text book to tell his students                                                                    rules or definitions and explains those                                                                                   with the help of examples.                                                                     
    •                  (i)           (ii)           (iii)
    •              A            C             B
    •              C             A            B
    •              C             B            A
    •              B            A             C
    C             A            B

    Q8.   Which of following are a few features of a particular method of teaching grammar.              
                1. The learners become inactive during class room teaching.
                               2.This method is not child centred but teacher centred.
                               3.Average teacher can use.this method in country like India.
                            Which method are we talking about? 
    •  Deductive Method 
    •  Inductive method 
    •  Inductive Deductive Method 
    •  Incidental Method 
    Deductive Method

    Q9. Which of the following grammar teaching method disturbs the teaching of a textbook or composition writing at times? 
    • Deductive Method
    • Inductive method
    • Inductive Deductive Method 
    • Incidental Method 
    Incidental Method 

    Q10.  The aim of remedial teaching programme (R TP) is to provide
             1. learning support to pupils who lag far behind their counterparts in school performance. 
             2. systematic training to develop pupils’ generic skills.
    •  (1) only 
    •  (2) only
    •  Both (1) and (2) 
    • None of the above 
    Both (1) and (2)

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    Clear CTET - Coaching Institute for CTET, DSSSB and KVS: English Pedagogy Quiz 1
    English Pedagogy Quiz 1
    English Pedagogy Quiz 1 - English is an important subject in CTET & Other TET Exams.
    Clear CTET - Coaching Institute for CTET, DSSSB and KVS
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