English is an important subject in CTET & Other TET Exams. In any of teaching exam, English Pedagogy carries weightage of 9-10 % of questions, with focused practice good marks can be fetched from this section. These questions are very important in achieving your success in CTET and Other TET Exams..
Q1. Generally the baby expresses smiling emotion when his face or cheeks are touched gently. It happens due to
Q2. When teachers administer harsh punishment on their students, the harmful effect of this may display in the form of
Development of complexes in the childrenQ3. The cause of unreasonable emotional development of children is
All the above
Q4. For developing good cognition among the children, the essential prerequisite is
The knowledge of children's interests to the parents
Q5. Which one of the following is the true statement corresponding Cephalocaudal principle of child's development?
The development begins from head and moves towards legs (tail) regionQ6. Suppose you are transferred in a remote rural area school where the people have their own stereotyped notions, prejudices and blind faiths. How could you develop positive attitude in such demographic conditions towards education?
favourable changes in their thinking legs (tail) region
Q7. In order to develop the disciplinarian habits in children in the premises of the school, the best method to follow is
To train the children intensively
Q8. What remedy would you like to follow in order to avoid the bad habits in children?
All the above
All the above
Q9. The good habits have the important place in childhood because these can
All the above
Q10. The need of the development of interest is felt in children because
All the above
All the above