Environmental Studies (EVS) Pedagogy Study Notes

Environmental Studies, EVS
Introduction to EVS
Environmental Studies, EVS
Significance of EVS
Environmental Studies, EVS
Concept of EVS at Primary Stage
Environmental Studies, EVS
Teaching Aids
Environmental Studies, EVS
Discussion Method
Environmental Studies, EVS
Approaches of Presenting Concepts
Environmental Studies, EVS
Activities, Experimentation & Practical Works
Environmental Studies, EVS

What is Environment ?

The term Environment comes from the French word ‘environ’ which means everything that surrounds us.
The place, people, things & nature that surrounds only living organism is called Environment Land, water, air, plants and animals composes the natural environment.Education is the process of development. Environment is the aggregate of all external conditions that influence the life and development of man and other living organisms. Environmental studies is made of two words Environment and studies, ‘Environment’ means everything that is around us and ‘studies’ means the activity or process of learning about something.
So, Environmental studies is an overall product of human activity in the form of a systematic and organized body of knowledge. The form of environmental studies so emerged is the product of all acts connected with our information, concepts, generalizations, laws & theories framed on the basis of last & limitless fund of accumulated knowledge. This knowledge of environmental studies is divided for our convenience into several branches like physics, chemistry, agriculture, biology etc.

Significance of EVS

Modern age is environmental studies age. We see a network of scientific gadgets based on latest scientific inventions all around us.

Intellectual value:

The study of environmental studies provides us the opportunity of developing our mental faculties of reasoning, imagination, memory, observation, concentration, analysis, originality and of systematic thinking.Science gives us the insight which enables us to search the truth and the reality of nature around us. We are able to do useful work with the help of wisdom acquired through environmental studies.

Disciplinary value:

Environmental studies develops our personality as a whole. Science makes us think seriously and helps to observe the real nature of the problem. It helps us to judge all the good and bad points together.

Cultural value:

Culture is the way of life which has been handed over to society from one generation to another in the form of accumulated customs, habits and mode of living. The mode and style of living is different from one society to another and therefore their culture is also not the same.Moral value:Some people believe that environmental studies is responsible for lack of faith in God, but in reality the situation is reverse. No doubt that environmental studies does not permit blind faith.

Social Value:

Environmental studies is of great value to society. Science makes man a useful citizen. Science gives impetus to the progress of society by its new thoughts and invention.

Concept of EVS at Primary Stage

  • To make the children interested in the study of nature and to help them in getting acquainted with their natural surroundings.
  • To educate them regarding the application of environmental studies in their physical & social environment.
  • To inculcate good habits of cleanliness and healthful living among children.
  • To develop their faculty of observation.
  • To provide opportunities for the development of their inventive and creative faculties.
  • To give them the basic knowledge of numerals and alphabets for the comprehension & understanding of scientific vocabulary & language.
  • To provide essential knowledge regarding the personal and social hygiene
  • To cultivate the habit of doing work systematically & neatly.
  • To make them able to read and understand simple graphs, charts, maps & statistical tables.
  • To encourage the children to read & listen to the life history of great inventors & scientists.

Teaching Aids

Teaching Aids are the materials that the classroom teacher uses to help students understand the concepts that she introduces during her lesson.Types of Teaching Aids
Printed Aids : (a) Periodicals (b) Newspapers (c) Books
Visual Aids : (a) Black Board (b) Graphs and Map (c) Chart (d) Poster (e) Models
Audio Aids : (a) Radio (b) Tape recorder
Audio-visual Aids : (a) Motion pictures (b) Dramatization (c) Television

Importance of Teaching Aids

  • Effective motivating agent.
  • Helpful in maintaining interest and attention.
  • Clarity of the subject matter.
  • Save the time and energy of the students and teachers.
  • Provide permanent and effective learning.
  • Provide solutions to a number of educational and administrative problems

Discussion Method

It is special form of conversation. It is an exchange of ideas of more reasoned and detailed kind than found in ordinary conversation.
According to James M. Lee, “It is an educational group activity in which the teacher and the students talk over some problem or topic.”The whole process may be divided into three steps:-
  1. Preparation
  2. Discussion
  3. Evaluation

Preparation for a discussion

  • Already keep in mind the topic for discussion and search for pertinent information.
  • Find the utilization of the best sources & specialized studies.
  • Use magazine and newspapers.
  • Utilize the material to prepare an outline, a summary, or a written report.
  • Prepare with the thought of presentation.

Conducting the discussion

A good discussion is one in which the participants are able to communicate easily, freely, and purposely. Among the key stages through which it moves are:-

(a) Orientation
  1. Prepare the classroom for discussion.
  2. See that needed material is available.
  3. Provide varied procedures.
  4. Make and maintain a time schedule.
  5. Announce the details of the procedure.

(b) Analysis

  1. State the problem as precisely as possible.
  2. Determine what questions need to be answer.
  3. Make sure that the meaning of special terms or phrases is known to all.

(c) Elaboration

  1. Speak clearly and coherently.
  2. Speak with Modesty.
  3. Respect other people’s contribution.
  4. Simplify your vocabulary.
  5. Be good – natured.
  6. Ask sincere questions.
  7. Encourage sincere questions and comments.

(d) Summary 

It may be made either by the teacher, moderator or recorder. The following suggestions should apply :-
  1. Point out opposite or divergent point of view.
  2. State major generalization.
  3. Mention the conclusions reached.

Approaches of Presenting Concepts

As mentioned earlier, EVS involves organizing, learning experiences in, about & for the environment. These three approaches have been commonly referred to as – education in the environment, education about the environment & education for the environment.Education in the environment
  • Gives reality, relevance and practical experience to learning through direct contact with the environment
  • Develops important skills of data gathering & field investigations.
  • Develops aesthetic appreciation.
Education about the environment
  • Provides understanding of how natural systems work, appreciates the complexity and wonder of natural systems.
  • Provides understanding of the impact of human activities upon these systems.
  • Fosters environmental awareness & concerns.
Education for the environment
  • Develops an informal concern and sense of responsibility for the environment.
  • Develops the motivation and skills to participate in environmental improvement.
  • Compatible with the wise use of environmental resources.

Activities, Experimentation & Practical works

“Co-curricular activities” means conducted on or off school premises by clubs, associations and organizations of pupils sponsored by the board of education. “Co-curricular activities” are also known as extra curricular activities. They are activities which all school students must attend alongside.
In short, we can say that according to modern education thinkers, curriculum is not only teaching learning in classroom. It also includes work in library, laboratory & workshop, participation in games sports in playground and numerous informal contacts between teacher and pupils in these places. In these formal contacts, there are many activities one of which include co-curricular activities. It is a part of curriculum of the institution.

Types of Co-curricular activities

  1. Literary activities :- e.g., reading competition.
  2. Physical development activities :- e.g., games & sport.
  3. Aesthetic & Cultural development activities :- e.g., Folk dance Competition.
  4. Civic Development Activities :- e.g., Group discussion, public speaking.
  5. Social welfare Activities :- e.g., helping the people, cleaning the society, community services.
  6. Leisure Time activities :- e.g., Music, Theater.
  7. Excursion activities :- e.g., Tour, Picnic.



  1. Our forest resources
  2. Our water resources
  3. Our natural resources
  4. Our Earth
  5. Our Mineral resources
  6. Our Animals
  7. New source of energy
  8. Weather

Home Science

  1. Effect of nutrition on the development of body in various stages of life.
  2. Special needs of nutrition for children and infants.
  3. Knowledge of common childhood diseases.
  4. Healthy atmosphere.

Health Education

  1. Relationship of family health and environment.
  2. Malnutrition
  3. Communicable diseases
  4. Clean environment
  5. Healthy personality


  1. Conservation of forest & wildlife.
  2. Prevention from communicable diseases.
  3. Need to increase the forest cover.
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