KVS Recruitment 2020 Notifications
Primary aim of
Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan is to establish, maintain & manage the Central
schools located all over India and abroad. KVS new notifications has released
the KVS Teacher Vacancy notifications for KVS teacher recruitment. Those, who are having a desire to
serve in central schools must go through KVS
latest updates. A candidate must visit for KVS online recruitment for filling online form. Sangathan also
has mentioned some eligibility criteria for KVS teacher recruitment. Before filling the Online application form
candidate must read about all these important notifications and eligibility
criteria for KVS TGT/PGT Recruitment, KVS PRT recruitment .
Posts Applied for - Principals, Teaching faculty, Librarian
CTET appearing candidate can also apply for PRT/TGT Posts
Admit card
for the post of Principal & Vice -
Principle are available on official website. That can be downloaded anytime by
entering registration number.
security of online applications submitted by candidate, the following duplicacies
have been noticed. Some candidates have committed such mistakes so that their
candidature was liable to be cancelled. So these corrective steps for different
categories of discrepancies are taken and informed.
of mistake committed by applicant
action to resolve the issue
Candidates applied twice/thrice with
same particulars under different registration number
Two different roll number for same
candidate for same post can not be generated. Only the last registration
number related roll number will be generated.
Candidates applied twice/thrice with
same particulars under different registration number and category differs
In such case only last registration
will be acceptable to allow the candidate provisionally.
Candidates applied twice/thrice with
same particulars under different registration number but for different posts
Different registration will be merged
against single registration number and post applied for, will be added
therein to have one roll number to allot same centre.
During correction window period, some
candidate have changed their entire particulars
Such cases appears to be dubious and
probed for genuineness. Mail is sent to such candidate for clarification
failing which the candidature will be treated as cancelled.
Candidate upload unclear/blurred
Candidate have been intimated by mail
to upload correct/clear photo and signature
E-mail I.D